
We're all Mt. Doomed!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

25th September - Avignon (delayed post)

This time we had managed to pack up the tent the night before without any rain, so we got away nice and early and made our way across to Provence, in particular, near Avignon. We decided just to find somewhere near our destination and our first attempt found a campsite that was closed, then we came across the small town of Villenueve Les Avignon. After a slightly hairy drive around very narrow streets (through the middle of the historic centre!), we came to the municipal campsite in the area. We had a look around, and thought it was ok, but with no bar/restaurant/anywhere to sit if it rains, and a cold sanitary block, we decided to look elsewhere.

Chris had found a place in a village about 10 miles outside Avignon that had good reviews, but when we got there, it was completely deserted. Unlike Les Mathevies, this didn't work in its favour! So we headed back to Villeneuve Les Avignon and gave the municipal campsite a go. We walked into the town, found some nice bars with locals drinking in there, always a good sign!, and decided to eat out as it had been a long day, and had a very nice meal for a reasonable price, so all in all, felt this was a good decision. This was made all the more apparent the next day. Andy's cold had really taken hold by this point, so rather than go for a run, we both went out for a gentle cycle, and thought we would check out some of the other campsites nearby. There is an island in the middle of the Rhone which has a couple of campsites at either end which, on paper, sounded good. We went to look at the first one, and as we descended to the river side, thought "This looks lovely". Then we entered the campsite and thought "This doesn't". So we left. We then went on a nice cycle around the island, had a bit of a detour (well, we haven't done that for a few days) then found the other campsite. This one was HUGE. But also deserted. Marie Celeste came to mind. We think it was very much a holiday camp, but with no-one there, it wasn't nice. One of the main reasons for looking at other campsites was for a bar to sit in if the weather forecast turned out to right and the rain arrived. Chris had mentioned after the first night that we could always just, well, sit in one of the local bars (now that we were somewhere that had some nearby!). We both decided that this was a much better option, and having originally been against the municipal site, now decided to stay longer. The main downside is the nearby TGV railway line, but hey, you can't have everything.
Villeneuve Les Avignon is a lovely town - a big bonus considering we didn't know it existed! It has a fantastic fort, more lovely medieval buildings and narrow streets, and a really nice feel to it. In a complete coincidence, it also has a local market on a Thursday, so we spent a great morning wandering around there and bought more lovely food and saucisson! This time we got five saucisson for ten euro; best we've done previously was four for ten :o) We also got a serious amount of olives with an equally serious amount of garilc and chilli and herbs which have been much enjoyed.

On Friday Andy finally made it out for another run as his cold was moving through though still definately in place. He only managed eight miles at a pace that could be described as "light" but at least he's running again with a marathon looming in just over two weeks. A PB will not be on the cards (thanks to a cold, climate and a training schedule that consists of two months eating and drinking around France) maybe he should concentrate on an impressively bad PW instead? Chris cycled meanwhile including going to one of the local boulangerie (did we mention it is one of the best ones we've ever seen?) and managed to find the local "Desperate Housewives" estate, well everywhere has to have one! We then wandered up to the fort for a look-around and to enjoy the fantastic views and had a beer afterwards at our new current local on the way back for some great steak that we'd picked up at the market the day before. Shockingly we also had some more wine.

On Saturday morning Chris went for a short run before breakfast, without a four legged companion but also without feeling so lonely this time. Andy made coffee. Then we cycled into Avignon itself and spent a really nice day wandering saround the streets - yes, more medieval architecture, and we gawked at the Palais des Papes (funnily, where the Popes lived for years), then wandered around some more, before cycling back to V-L-A for a beer before returning to the campsite. We have extended our stay here until Tuesday, and discovered that there is an Iron Man competition starting here tomorrow, so will try to watch that. Failing that, or perhaps on Monday, a trip to Chateau-neuf-du-Pape for wine tasting is in order!

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