
We're all Mt. Doomed!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Who's a naughty Bongo then?

On the Wednesday we got some help from the lovely lady at the reception of the campsite who phoned around several garages trying to see if anyone would even consider taking a look. Eventually she found somebody based nearby who would take a look, so we headed back to McDs for wifi to get some more French phrases that hopefully covered the issues we were having. We went to the garage after lunch and after about a quarter of an hour he came up with the suggestion that it was possibly the transmission of drive shafts but he couldn't help. Back to square one...

At least in France with Chris having some grasp of the language we thought we may have a chance of getting it fixed, in Italy where we are able to order two beers in Italian and little more we would be really stuck. So we've come to realise that we are going to have to head to Blighty to get this resolved as there's a specialist in Weymouth who knows everything there is to know about the drive system on the Bongo and they do, apparently, speak some English though they do have funny accents. So Italy and the marathons will have to be written off and we are planning a route of juddering back to the channel, on the plus side if we do break down it's less distance to recover the vehicle!

Once (if) it gets fixed we'll work out what to do next, whether to head back over to Europe (I believe that there are beer-related doings in Germany in October :o) or bum around Wales/England and good 'ol Scotland for a while. Let's see what happens.

Back to the while though. There is a chocolate factory about quarter of a mile from the campsite. The smell from it is just fantastic, so we will go for a visit on our way back to the van today. Smells of chocolate, hillsides covered in vines and the sun is shining, so sick van and changes of plan aside things really are not too bad!

Did we mention how good the wine is here :o)

1 comment:

  1. No, you didn't mention - the wine's good is it? Bah.
