
We're all Mt. Doomed!

Saturday 21 August 2010

Thursday 19th August (still no wifi, so a little delayed)

So we awoke this morning to clear skies at 7:30 though a little chilly. By 9am cloud cover was total but it was a decent temperature. Also at nine o'clock the baguette and pain au chocolat and pain au raisin that we ordered the night before were brought to our campervan! How cool is that? Our coffees were already made by this point and life was indeed good. The plan was to get out for our rycle early on before the cloud burned off; a cunning plan indeed. We also moved plots down one after the family next to us left as it is a little flatter and gets more sun and more shade. Somehow by the time we did this and got ourselves ready it had past 11, life in the slow lane indeed.

We followed the intructions given to find the cycle path and it was great (if a little flat for our usual jaunts). We went out for ten miles (see pic for Andy's disappearing back), with Chris occasionally pedalling on ahead then coming back to collect Andy, then turned back by which time the skies were a lovely blue and the temperature had shot up. Andy struggled a bit with the heat as on the slight inclines that we had (that seemed to go on for ever, how come we didn't notice them so much on the way out?) there was hardly any shade, typical! We managed to get the twenty miles in under three hours which given the heat was quite acceptable, though lesson learned to go out earlier!

Once back at the site Chris set off on her bike to get supplies from the Carrefour (which she was glad to find was uphill from the campsite, so the ride back with a very full rucksack was very easy); we were short of fresh veg, wanted some meat and concerningly were running out of wine. The wine situation is now sorted (a bottle of wine in the rucksack did make it kinda heavy).. Oh, we also have food too (although still short of fresh veg - hmm. Another cycle for Chris tomorrow). Andy managed to wait for the pool to clear and got a nice wee swim in and some decent lying about in the sun was achieved.

Having just polished off a great spicy turkey concoction pulled togerther by Chris we are now sitting in the sun making our best efforts to re-introduce our wine shortage. Had we mentioned that life is good :o)

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