
We're all Mt. Doomed!

Saturday 21 August 2010

Wednesday 18th August (no wifi, so a bit delayed)

We woke up to a pretty nice day in Normandy, with patches of blue sky and a comfortable temperature. With any luck for those staying on (in particular a very nice English couple whose kids were getting a tad bored in the rain) it'll be a nice day and stay that way for at least 2 days! After a diversion to buy another adapter for our long French power cable, we set off in the direction of the Loire valley. No sat nav mishaps this time, just one minor panic at the end of a toll road when it looked like our only options were those for vehicles with transponders as the one for cards had a height restriction (luckily it turned out all methods were ok at all the stations) and we found the campsite fairly easily. It's a very nice site, although the shower isn't the best, but this is made up for by our nice pitch, toilets with seats (a rarity), the bread and croissant orders being delivered to our door each morning and, yes, THE SUN!!!! It's hot,sunny and we are happy! The site is run by an English couple (he's called Robert Smith and looks (at least to Chris) a bit like Jasper Carrot - one unfortunate bit of genetics and one of parents-name-choosing!), and when we arrived there wasn't a single vehicle that wasn't British which was amusing, if a little bizarre. Since then 2 French vehicles have turned up, and they must find it very odd.

A 20 or so minute walk took us into the nearby town centre where we had a couple of very wee beers (honestly!) then wandered back again. Apparently there is free wifi in MacDonalds but we didn't manage to find that - will get directions again tomorrow. Andy managed to find some nice chorizo to cook with, which he threw together with a few fesh veg into a lovely dinner.

There is a cycle path nearby which should be long enough even for Andy, although if the weather keeps up like this (which we sincerely hope it does!), we will have to go out first thing or it will be far too hot. Stories of sweaty outings to follow!

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