
We're all Mt. Doomed!

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Tuesday 17th August

Alas the good weather was just a brief indication of what we could have, and now the rain has returned. So our planned rycle for the morning did not happen due to weather-induced lack of enthusiasm! Instead we sat around and did very little. However, in the afternoon guilt and restlessness got the better of us and we took advantage of a bright patch in the weather and went out, thinking it would only be a short one this time. On our way back yesterday we'd come along a quiet road and spotted some farm tracks, so this time we just headed straight out from the campsite, and as seems to be a habit these days, almost immediately headed up a fairly steep climb for half a mile. We were pleased to discover plenty of very quiet roads and tracks, and as is often the way, once we got going we felt better for it and Andy's legs were working well, so we kept going. At a point where we could have turned around, Andy decided 4 miles would be a good turning point so we'd keep going for a little while - typically this was at the top of a steep hill and the 4 mile point turned out to be at the bottom of it! So down we went, turned round and climbed all the way back up (another half mile climb!). Got to work the cheese and wine off somehow I guess. Not the double figure miles of the previous day though quite a bit more pace!

Tomorrow we leave for the hopefully sunnier area of the Loire Valley. We doubt our next campsite will have wifi, so we will probably be offline for a few days.

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